Tuesday, May 26, 2009


As many of you know i have been matt and julie cooper's nanny here in Mexico for the past 5 summers. I started watching them when Cameron was 2 and they only had 4 kids. Now they have 6. they are such an incredible family. words cannot describe how much i love them. As summer is approaching and a NEW nanny is coming my heart starts to feel sad but really excited at the same time. I have never been staff before, especially throughout a busy summer. It is true i have a passion for children. whether that is the Cooper children or the orphan children. I JUST LOVE KIDS. i love to love on them. i love to kiss on them. i love to wrap them up in my arms and i love watching them grow up so big. Since living here i have had a great balance of being on Staff but still having the pleasure to watch the cooper kids from time to time. there are many times that i miss them so much i pretty much force matt and julie out the door so i can hang out. haha or i just invite myself over for family fun. It is never a dull moment in the Cooper house. Especially when trying to put Caleb to sleep when there are 8 boys downstairs that have the radio on really loud.
i have taken moments to pause and think about this summer that is about to happen. I can't really put into words how i feel but i know i am super pumped. My role is different now with what i am used to in dealing with the interns, nannies, and staff. But one major problem.... I DON'T REALLY FEEL PREPARED. so... i have decided to take action and decide not to consume the things of this world and what i am used to, but to pursue God in a more passionate way to feel ready and prepared for this summer. I am asking the Lord to take hold my thoughts, actions, spiritual walk, to renew my mind, my heart, and to give me GLORY STRENTH that can only come from Him. I am on day 3 now and it has been awesome. I am experiencing more of who God is and who I am in Him. Please be praying for me through this time of preparation and transitioning from a nanny to a Staff person. I am super excited for what is to come and all the people that are going to come and serve alongside us this summer.


cath said...

I know God is preparing you for great things. Whether you are a nannie or staff He has and will continue to work in and through you. I will pray for you as you work through this transition. We love you Becca.

Bethany Struthers said...

Girl, I know exactly what you mean! I love being a nanny too!! My kids mean so much to me! But God is going to do so much more in your life and He has so many amazing things planned! I know it will be hard... AND exciting!! I will be praying! Love you so much!