Wednesday, March 24, 2010

PureNRG Otra Vez

We somehow managed to blindfold all the kids at Imperio De Amor for a fun surprise!!!!!
well some of them at least....

me and the girls
Caroline holding a sweet new baby at Imperio.
Putting PureNRG bumper stickers on the bus.
Caroline, Carolyne, and Jordan = PureNRG
doing a little dancing for the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carolyne with Alex at Casa Hogar Douglas
Handing out PureNRG t-shirts and signing them!!!!!
Well, last time PureNRG was here they had an action goal to raise money for a new bus. They were specifically raising money for Imperio De Amor because they knew their bus was not functioning and all 60 kids were going to school in a 15 passanger van.
I don't know if any of us expected it to be so fast. The last time they were here was in October when they put on a concert for all the children's homes. So from October to March they were raising money to buy the BUS. that is right, they did it and were able to come and deliver it personally. They were here for 2 days. But it felt like they had been here for a full week because we crammed a lot of things in their schedules. Rodolfo and i had the privilege of being with them the entire time. Monterrey was blessed by their singing and dancing at 2 childrens homes, PureNRG t-shirts, A BUS, changing sheets on the boys dorms at douglas, and having so much fun with them.

my favorite memory was when they were at Douglas singing and dancing. I looked over at one of the kids and she was singing EVERY single word to every song they sang. it took me by total surprise. She does not know ANY english but here she was singing every single word to all their songs. it was such a sweet moment. And they also taught her some of their dance moves. I had to translate so of course i learned them too....

i know the kids from Imperio were super blessed by this HUGE present. They also have a way of blessing me so much when they are here also. I felt super encouraged by their team. Caroline's mom was able to come, Caroline, Carolyne, Jordan, Krystal (from their label), and Kevin (from James Fund). If we weren't serving the kids we were playing games till wee hours in the night.
I could not thank them enough for their love and support for this ministry. And the fact that they make goals and fulfill them. That speaks volumes for people their age. Once again, i was super blown away by who they are as individual people. The more i get to know each of them, the more i see Jesus Christ in them. It is always such a fun time with them. i hope they come back soon.

Thank you PureNRG for your sacrifices you make daily to be who you are. Thank you for the blessing you bring to Monterrey and to me personally. I am blessed to know you and call you friends.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

El Limon Video!!

El Limon is the childrens home that we work with outside of Monterrey. It's about a 6 hour drive from our property. Typically we take a few groups there each year. They spend the week at El Limon living with the kids while they work on projects & love on kids. We currently have several students in our Hope Program who are from El Limon. On my last trip there, the group from Family Christian Stores/The James Fund (one of our treasured ministry partners) put together this video of their time there. I thought you might enjoy it!

Click here if you would like to check it out. i am in it but def. don't look my best. hahah the song that we are singing is a song that i am really into right now. it is beautiful.