So this week has been one of the busiest weeks of summer. Steve McCollum was here with his group of 55 people. We had another group from Christ Church at Mason, and another from Horizon Church.
Every year McCollum brings down a bunch of people and does his annual cookout with all of our guests and ALL THE KIDS WE SERVE... well almost all the kids we serve.
Last Monday we served over 500 plates, we grilled 96 kilos of meat, made 1430 tortillas, chopped 238 avacado and tomatos, chopped 20 onions, 8 ciliantro, 238 limes, 96 jalapenos, and we had 48 bags of chips. it was a busy afternoon getting all of the food prepared. we had staff, group members, and some of our teens helping out.
We had a time of games and worship with 20 centavos which the kids LOVED, me too. We did an open mic night with anyone that wanted to share something, and we also had a couple people tell their testimonies. there were lots of tears coming to my eyes while listening to one of our jovens telling his story of accepting Christ. i am so proud of the impact Tonio is having on the other teens here on campus. God has completely captured Tonio's heart in this past year.
While out with groups, i have leveled two playgrounds, and done cement 2 days in a row. i am obsessed with running the trompo (cement mixer). it has been a full full week and God has shown up in BIG ways. all of our groups leave in the morning.
Then it is time for a staff meeting, it is my turn to take all the interns out, rest tomorrow night, then do it all over again next week starting Saturday. Please be praying for strength throughout my summer. i am only going to last if i am filled up by the Lord. Pray for intimate times with Him.