i can't believe summer is half way over. we have been going full force for a month now. it has been incredible. seeing peoples lives changed, watching the American's interact with the kids, hanging out with interns and nannies, going to lots of staff meetings, sorting through millions of donations. i could go on and on. i am having a blast. everyday i meet someone who wants to hear my story of how i got here. and everyday i am reminded of the people who helped me get here. i am so grateful for all the things people have done for me. it has helped me enjoy the beauty of being where God really wants me. i have seen God move in more ways this year than before. and everyday i get to wake up and love on orphans. I love meeting new people. i love listening to their stories. i love helping them learn how to accomplish new tasks. I love staring at beautiful mountains. it is only a glimpse of who God is. i love worshiping Him everynight. i love taking new adventures and learning how to be flexible here in Mexico (Flexico). All in all being on staff in summer can take a toll on health, alone time, and feeling connected. Please pray for me as i continue to make it through July. Pray for me to have wonderful quiet times and to rest in the Presence of the Lord. Pray for me to be filled up. Pray for preparation for when i come home in the summer and do a fundraiser. Pray for me to finish the summer strong instead of worn out. Thank you again for all of you who have helped me get here and do what i love doing. Please continue to pray for me throughout the summer.
" We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul-not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory strength God gives. It is the strength that endures the unedurable and spills over into joy.
If you feel led to support Rodo and I , please send a check with our name on a SEPARATE SHEET of paper to: Back2Back Ministries P.O. Box 70 Mason, Oh 45040
This is my 3rd year living here in Monterrey, Mexico. I work alongside an organization that has been a part of my life for the last 9 years. It has been a dream that i would work, live, and be apart of Back2Back. NOW, it is reality. I am so excited about what God has in store and would love any encouragement along the way. That is what this blog is about. Me sharing this part of my journey with YOU. Along the way, i would appreciate any words of wisdom, love, or encouragement. Thank you for coming along this ride with me. Thank you for all the supporters who made this possible. Enjoy!!!!!!
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