Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Big 27
Friday, March 30, 2012
Group 3 in Mazatlan
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Testimony of a Group Member
I asked a couple of people from our first groups to write a testimony of their week here!
Here is what one of them had to say about their week:
"My trip to Mazatlan was my first mission trip experience, and though it only lasted a week it has changed my life for good. I left for Mexico with little idea of what I would be doing and expecting nothing more than some hard physical labor to help an orphanage in need. God had much more in plan for me; throughout the week He showed me real love and humble service again and again and opened my eyes to how I could make this mission a part of my everyday life.
My biggest fear going into this trip is that it wouldn’t last- That I would spend so much money to fly to a foreign land and spend so much energy to serve a distant community and come back home with nothing to show for it but a few blisters and a bad tan. I didn’t want this trip to become just an act of charity that I remembered to feel good about myself. I wanted to experience something that was worth the trip, something that I could not get at home. I’m happy to say that God provided that experience for me.
The thing that really got me on this trip was Everything. It wasn’t just the environment, or the hard work, or the kids, or the fellowship with group members, or the staff, or the quiet time; it was all of these things combined. This total experience was one that I couldn’t get anywhere else. The foreign environment and the hard work helped tear down my mental walls so that interactions with the orphans and my group members were truly heartfelt and real, and the staff and quiet times encouraged reflection that allowed me to process just how much God was doing in me. Because of this I was inspired to change my old habits. I was challenged to facilitate sincere love and exemplify intentional faith. These challenges came home with me and continue to affect my daily life.
Back2Back Mazatlan has developed a great program to cause this type of change. The program offered challenges through hard work and foreign environments to allow experiences that are unique and exciting. Reflection is encouraged through discussion and quiet times where you can explore what God is doing in you. Then the staff challenges you to consider how you will change because of these experiences, and what actions you will take in response. To me, this was the beauty of the trip. My fears were erased as I was challenged to change because of what I had experienced. I would return home with much more than memories. I would return with a changed perspective and a goal to make a difference.
If you are considering whether or not a long distance mission trip is right for you, I encourage you to try it out. With Back2Back Mazatlan, you benefit from sharing grace through service and receiving grace as God changes you. You are challenged to reflect while still accomplishing great things for those in need. I look forward to how this experience will influence my life for years to come."
Friday, March 16, 2012
Birthdays of people I LOVE!!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012