Wednesday, September 19, 2012


September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day!

This past Saturday, We headed out around 8 pm to go down to the town square and celebrate with the rest of Mazatlan.

The Mayor did " el grito" where everyone yells VIVA! 

Then they had (in my opinion not the best) firework display. It was fun seeing fireworks but we were standing right by where they set them off and we all starting running like crazy because we were getting burned by the debris... YIKES:) 

The food was awesome. I am pretty sure we explored every little cart of food/pastries they had.  There was  entertainment for the evening all the way from clowns to mariachi bands. What a great night to hang out with the Mazatlecos (people from mazatlan) and hanging out with our B2B community! 

Nothing like  experiencing  Mexican Culture at its finest :) 

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